Welcome to St Margaret's Church, Leicester

Welcome to our website, where we hope to tell you about our Church it's people and history.

A work in progress, keep tuned in..


Because at present we are in an interregnum (between vicars), and relying on visiting clergy and our Reader to lead worship - we may need to change the style of service at short notice.

Our next Coffee morning is on Saturday the 1st of March, at 10:00 AM until 12:00 AM. As usual a bring and buy sale, books and Jigsaw sales, A Donations table, A raffle with prizes and lots of tea, coffee, biscuits and cake.
Or just pop in, take a look around this beautiful 800 year old church, try and find the church Mouse?


The care and welfare of all God's people are a priority Halpin to us. Therefore if you have any safeguarding concern about children or adults please contact the following people

Safeguarding Coordinator:
Carol Franklin
email:PCC safeguarding co-ordinator@stmargaretsleiceste.com

Church Warden:
Chris Newman

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor:
Rachael Spiers
email: rachael.spiers@leicestercofe.org
tel. 07930 819 279

WE are now Open for services as ususal, that is at 11am on Sundays for 1 hour, We are open before then and after for visitors, and on Wednesday at 12.30 for 30mins. The Church is now also open on Wednesdays 10am-4pm for visitors.